
Thursday, 13 April 2017

Maths DLO

This is my maths DLO me and my group learn about compensation strategy we working this for a few weeks to a DLO for maths this is the video of my maths DLO if you do this strategy it's easy to sole a question this I hope you enjoy this video have a good day today.


Cultural Dance

This term we have been looking at different cultures for the last 3 weeks we have learn a other cultures. Yesterday the year 4's, 5's and 6's performed a dance. The year 5's performed a Samoan dance a Sa'sa and the year 6 and 4  boys doing the Christchurch Super Haka then the 6, 4 girls are doing the Ti Rakau sticks. My class worked really hard to performed this dance I hope you enjoy have a good day bye!!!