
Friday, 27 October 2017

How to be Safe on Water

This Friday is the last day of our Swimming. We are learning to jump to the big pool. we have to jump to plat form like we're i n the sea, after we jump we swim on our back to the end of the pool. My goal before is to free style 1 lap without stopping then now I can do it now without stopping in the big pool.

Also they teach us how to be safe on beach or ocean, river, and lake. First thing we need to do if someones struggling and your in the boat and you trow a object like a rope or something then you pull the person that struggling the person will full you out and two person will struggling so when you pull a person that's struggling you need to put your 1 knee down and the other one is up. Then the second thing to survive if you are struggling in the water first thing you need to do is take out your T-shirt because its heavy  to float then the second thing is wave your arm or do a backstroke on your back to survived and that's it guys I really really hope you learn how to be safe on water and how to survive. See you.... Later BYE!!!

Thursday, 26 October 2017

My DLO Lines of Symmetry

This term we have been given a new strategy again, it's called Lines of Symmetry if you don't know what is line of symmetry watch the video that I make I really really hope you enjoyed and learn something BYE!!

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

First Swimming lesson

This term, term 4 we started swimming in Canterbury Swim School. We needed to take a bus, I was sitting with Axle, and Vann, after we take a bus we take out our shoes off and line up. After we line up we went to the changing room to change and once we change we sit in the steps and they said the earth quake drills,  they said if we're in the water and theirs earthquake  we need to gab the line quickly and if were not in the water we need to hide under the steps, then they called out our groups the I felt excited when where in the big pool we starts swimming my goal is to learnt 1 lap without stopping then the other class went in and change ,after they change they ask my class to change and put our socks on and shoes. When were in the bus I'm sitting with my friend Jared and lined up to go to the classroom.