Today we did a DLO about Christmas. We had to write what we do at Christmas and this is the DLO I made.
I hope you like it!
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Christmas Celebration
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Hi, today at Maori we talked about pounamu green stones, the first stone Mr. Matthew talked about was the one he was wearing outside his long sleeve, It was like an beek and when you turn it around it also looks the same and the one he was wearing inside was like a teardrop and has a spiral sign and he said you only get it from University of Canterbury. He showed us more stones others is like a big fish hook and he also talked about people before they make a knife, axe and more weapons.
Monday, 25 November 2019
Summer Learning Journey
Kia Ora Emma, I'm Jullien from Hornby High School I Like playing sports like Basketball with my friends and I like to learn more science in school. I have now registered the summer learning journey, and my favourite topics are Sports and learning more about reptiles. I am looking forward doing some blogs on vacation to keep my reading from the summer slide, I'm also looking forward getting some awesome prizes!!
How long have you been doing the Summer Learning Journey program?
How long have you been doing the Summer Learning Journey program?
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Freak's Dictionary
Last week we were asked to do a blog post about our novel study. So today my blog post is about Freak's Dictionary were were asked to pick 10 words from the book and make your own sentence about it.
Freak's Dictionary
JILLION - I have jillion's of pen at home.
NANOSECOND - The light caught in 1 nanosecond.
AARDVARK - An aardvark is similar to armadillos.
ARMOUR - A suit worn by khights.
ECALIBUR - A powerful with magic power.
CAMOUFLAGE - Lots of insect blends into the place they go.
FOOZLE - To make a stupid mistake.
SEPTILLION - The bank has septillions of cash.
LANCELOT - King Arthur's bravest knight.
EDIFICATION - Education that tastes good.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Today in our cooking technology we made pizza. First thing we did is get all the ingredients then we were all give a sliced pizza bread then we added the sauce for pizza to spread on the top then the second thing we did is put some cheese on the top then we put added some salami, ham, green pepper and more. When we finished making our pizza we putted it on the oven for 180 Degrees Celsius Fan Bake, when the pizza were in the oven Ms. Wheeler told us to tidy up our things, Axle was doing the dishes and I was drying the dished. After the pizza was cooked we grabbed the wood block to put the tray in the middle of our table then Ms. Wheeler told us that we can eat it inside.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Environmental Issue
Kumusta, Today I will be doing a blog post about Environmental issue. all of us were asked to make a game or a story or do it with sphero. Lot of us used Gamefroot because it fun making games and some were on on the sphero's. I choose Environmental issue because I don't want to see the environment die so I made a game so we can stop this from happening. I think this is the worst issue because a lot of people can be affected.
Freak The Mighty
Today our class started a new book 'I was put on a nook called freak the mighty. We were asked to answer the questions first before we start this book.
- Based on the front cover and title ONLY what do you predict this book might be about? I think this book is about dragons and knights.
- If something is described as ‘mighty’, what do you think that means? Strong
- Describe the difference between being a ‘bystander’ and an ‘out stander’. A bystander is a person who just watches something happen and a person who or thing which outstands.
- Read the back of the book, what do you predict this story is about? Slaying dragon
Trough chapter 1 to 3 there's a guy that were named kevin and he likes robot and he use long words to make himself look like smart guy and there's a boy he meet at the daycare that's doesn't have a brain what I mean is he has an empty brain head. then when kevin knew max was his neighbour they started to get known each other.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Pioneer Tournament
On Monday and Tuesday we were away at school because of basketball tournament at Pioneer, we travelled by van. I was with Gerald, Vann, Lars, Tai, Ryan, Tobey, Christian, Nikora and Jacob. When we arrived at Pioneer we saw a lot of the other teams that are competing on the tournament, we walked to the entrance and we saw the pool which is cool then we turned right and we all the team practising, shooting, dribbling.
I was a very very difficult tournament because each game is 20 minutes long and no time outs and half time, also on or first game we were against Chisnalwood in court 3 we won but we had another game right away so on or second game we were tired but we still got the win against Cobham then we had a break and after we had another game against Casebrook and that time we lost.
We had 5 games on Monday and Tuesday. I have a lot of fun playing with other schools like Heaton, Casebrook, South Christchurch, Kirk wood and more... My favourite game was when we were against Casebrook because we nearly beat them and they have 5 Canterbury players.
We had 5 games on Monday and Tuesday. I have a lot of fun playing with other schools like Heaton, Casebrook, South Christchurch, Kirk wood and more... My favourite game was when we were against Casebrook because we nearly beat them and they have 5 Canterbury players.
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Asian Reptile
Hi Kumusta, today I made a DLO about Asian water monitor lizard. We needed to pick a task and I pick Choose an animal to research and create a DLO to share your findings. I choose this reptile because it's cool and Also I would like to see one of these, they can also be tame when you always hangout with them or play with them.
Monday, 14 October 2019
War horse
Kumusta, Today I finished my novel study war horse, we've been doing this since last term but I didn't finish it and now I finally finished it It was very very cool book It's a man and a horse show the truest friendship.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Orana Park
Kumusta readers,
This I will be talking about what we did on Orana Wildlife Park. We stayed at the learning commons until 10am. When the bus arrived the first group went to the bus first then the second group went, other were in the van because we can't fit all in the bus.
When we arrived at the Orana Park we met the two zoo keepers that are guiding us I think one was Elizabeth and I'm not sure about the other one but anyway after we met them we walk past the Meerkat they were cool they had grey colour and they are small but beautiful species. After that we separated into our two groups our group went to the reptile room Elizabeth told us about the reptiles that were there after that we went to the spider monkeys but suddenly they were inside there enclosure because of the wind, we walked past there enclosure then peoples started taking photos. Then the next animal we stop is the lion we saw there habitat but there were not outside because of the wind too, when we went to there cage we saw the older one stand up he was big like a horse but 2x bitter than horse we also heard them roar there not loud but it is still cool. At the last part we fended the giraffes.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Gym Sports
Today in our our C.I.P we we did some weeding so we could plant more vegetables in the garden also In Gym sport we did multi-sport, Multi-sport is game that has 5+ sports then Mr.Scott added dodge ball, one was rugby, basketball, hockey, netball, football,were split in half 1 team was wearing bibs and the other team was non-bibs. After everyone got in a team we lined-up near the wall. When the game started Ms. Hastie got the ball and then threw the ball in the middle of the gym. She called out how many people is playing in this sport. The first people played basketball and our team won. We also played dodge ball when we are starting to play dodge ball we all got in the courts. Gerald got out first we all laughed at him and he also laughed at us. We continued the game until it finished, in this dodge ball our teachers made a new rule that we need to make the court smaller and then continue playing. we had a lot of fun playing multi-sport Gym sport.
Monday, 9 September 2019
Ella West
Hi, today I'll be making a new blog post about Ella West and the book he wrote, Ella West visited our school because one class had read her book and they all blogged about it.
Then Ella West saw all the blog and the Al Class made Ella West to Hornby High. When he came to the stage he talked about the Night Vision, She putted a picture on the screen and talked about it, It was a baby that is not allowed to get hit by the sun because he will get a skin cancer. Then she talked about another part of the story that a child was watching a car burning then went to the forest then she talked another one when the child got lost in the forest then suddenly she ended up on a sheep farm.
Friday, 6 September 2019
Digital Tech
Hello reader, Today I'm making a new blog post about what we were doing when we started our new Hurumanu.
So we've been doing a research template we get to choose what topic are we researching about, there are 3 topic one is Environmental, Social, and Ethical.
My issue is environmental and I had chosen this because I want to help the environment. The issue is global warming. I chose this because so I can help inform people about what they can do, and also there are animals dying.
The issue that were affecting was the global temperature has been increasing and the amazon rain forest was been burning for more 3 weeks.
The major problem in our water environment is the more rubbish we litter the more sea animal dies.
Here's the link that we should stop littering
Some information that i have found out is:
So we've been doing a research template we get to choose what topic are we researching about, there are 3 topic one is Environmental, Social, and Ethical.
My issue is environmental and I had chosen this because I want to help the environment. The issue is global warming. I chose this because so I can help inform people about what they can do, and also there are animals dying.
The issue that were affecting was the global temperature has been increasing and the amazon rain forest was been burning for more 3 weeks.
The major problem in our water environment is the more rubbish we litter the more sea animal dies.
Here's the link that we should stop littering
Some information that i have found out is:
- Other animals are dying because of our litter.
- The ice are melting and the water is going higher and higher.
- The temperature has been increasing.
Comment below your thoughts!
Community Circles
The last few week's we've been doing community circles, we put the chairs in a big circle then we share something or making a goal like hangout with my friends, making someone happy or helping them when they don't know what to do. Also Rachel talked about the zones of regulation. In this slide that Joshua and I made we included how it works, the rules and we included the zones that we need to be in all the time.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Gym Sports
Today in Gym sport we did beep test and dodge ball, before we did dodge ball Ms. Hastie told us to run to the field and touch the big tree. After that we came near the court and started stretching we did touch to toes and pull your legs backwards.
When we were inside the Gym we started the beep test, I ended up on level 8 other were in teams of 2 that's why they got more higher level. When we started the first game of dodge ball I ran as fast as I can to get ball and suddenly I got hit by someone. When I got out the court I was cheering my team because they wiped out most of the people on the other team, when I saw Axle trowed the ball he ht someone that is good on the other then I waited till the first game finished.
When the second game started the other team got most of the balls, I waited to get a ball then someone trowed a ball at me and I was thinking I can catch it or not but I didn't have a choice to catch it then I ended up being hit by Gerald.
When we were inside the Gym we started the beep test, I ended up on level 8 other were in teams of 2 that's why they got more higher level. When we started the first game of dodge ball I ran as fast as I can to get ball and suddenly I got hit by someone. When I got out the court I was cheering my team because they wiped out most of the people on the other team, when I saw Axle trowed the ball he ht someone that is good on the other then I waited till the first game finished.
When the second game started the other team got most of the balls, I waited to get a ball then someone trowed a ball at me and I was thinking I can catch it or not but I didn't have a choice to catch it then I ended up being hit by Gerald.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
P.E Hurumanu
Today I will be making a new blog post about our new hurumanu. In the past few days we started our hurumanu P.E First thing we did was Fitness testing.
Why do we do fitness? We do fitness to keep our body healthy and keep us fit. Also if you are so good you could join athlete. Also to measure your ability's like how good you are.
What were your result? I think I really really done a great job and I will practice more and more to keep improving also I will promise myself that The next fitness testing that I will make changes.
What is one area you fell you need to improve? I think I will work on the beep test because I was jogging then the thing beeped but i think I really really did a good job and next time I will not be jogging and I will take it seriously.
I successfully work with other by helping them record and count there records.
My actions and feelings work well and I think same as the others in my group.
I help someone to record his sit ups because the others people in my team was doing something.
Why do we do fitness? We do fitness to keep our body healthy and keep us fit. Also if you are so good you could join athlete. Also to measure your ability's like how good you are.
What were your result? I think I really really done a great job and I will practice more and more to keep improving also I will promise myself that The next fitness testing that I will make changes.
Vertical Jump
M2: 2.7
Sit and Reach:26
Sit Ups: 14
Grip Test: 15
Beep Test: Lv.8.4
What is one area you fell you need to improve? I think I will work on the beep test because I was jogging then the thing beeped but i think I really really did a good job and next time I will not be jogging and I will take it seriously.
I successfully work with other by helping them record and count there records.
My actions and feelings work well and I think same as the others in my group.
I help someone to record his sit ups because the others people in my team was doing something.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
C.I.P and Gym sports
Today I am making another blog post about what we did today. This is the writing we did from our C.I.P Tane Mahuta and Gym sports.
Here's some photos:
Here's some photos:
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
A Lost Shoe
One day I woke up in a dark place in the top of a special box. I was covered with towel and my owner can't find me, he called me Hex when he bought me in the shop. After he bought me, he used me to play basketball. When it was only 3 minutes to the end he couldn't jump anymore so I help him I used all my strength to jump with him to take the ball and run as fast as we could to get the score and win. After the finished we were on the changing room and I overheard him saying ''This is the best shoes ever''. I felt happy then he came to me with a big smile and putted me in his special shoe case. After the game I woke up in a dark place in the top of a special box. He was trying to find me but then he got another shoes from his mum. I was sad I thought he don't like me anymore then I saw3 him comming
My Learning Conference
This is my slide I'll be presenting to my parent's.It's like a goal this is the slide the you're really really proud of to share in learning conference.
Tane Mahuta
Today I am going to do a new blog post about our new C.I.P it is called Tane mahuta. Tane mahuta is a planting program. we had been doing it for bout 4 weeks now and now we've done cleaning inside the left side of the classroom. Also we done putting soil on the gardening side. I didn't know much what they did because I was on gym sport.
On gym sports we played a game like rugby but I didn't actually know what it is called. It was fun the rules was easy you have to get the ball from their side then you need to run as fast as you can without getting tagged just like capture the flag.
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Climate Change The Future
What places will be effected? All around the coast of New Zealand.
What else do we need to think about? Where we are building houses.
What other places around NZ will be affected? Pacific Islands.
What does this do to our drinking water? Salt
What are the main concerns?
- Flooding
- Erosion
What can we do?
What is the one, silver bullet solution? No one silver bullet.
What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
- Renewable fuels
- Transport that uses solar energy or batteries.
What are 3 others you can think of?
- Using less plastic
- Recycle
- eating less meat
Stop Motion
In the past few weeks we started our stop motion film and today we finally finished it. It is really really fun being in this terms hurumanu. I enjoyed a lot, making characters and painting. My favourite part in this hurumanu is making the characters, it was so fun and also I really really like art because I like drawing. The most difficult is being with people in the other class and sometimes they don't do work they are just playing around being silly so we got behind. Anyway I'm still happy that we done the film even though it doesn't have sound it still looks cool!!
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Climate Change
You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or Power point.
Write a definition, upload an image and list where these fossil fuels are mined.
Also China Is the country that has 70% coal production.
2. Oil- A vicious liquid from petroleum for use as a fuel or lubricant.
3. Natural Gas- Natural gas is found in deep underground rock.

Solar - Solar power/panel a gadget that get electricity from the sun. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam.
Wind - A windmill is a structure that converts the energy of wind into. It spins windmills usually were used to mill grain, pump water, or both there is also one that convert energy.
Waves - Wave power is is the capture of energy of wind to do useful work – for example, electricity generation, water desalination, or pumping water.
Hydro - Hydro power or hydroelectricity refers to the conversion of energy from flowing water into electricity. It is considered a renewable energy source because the water cycle is constantly renewed by the sun.
Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energy.
Solar - Solar power/panel a gadget that get electricity from the sun. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam.
Write a 6 sentence reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect us.
have learnt that there's lots of changes happening to the world and how it's affecting our world. I have seen that some animals will die to the cause of this climate change like Bats and some animals that can't live without cold weather. I have also learnt that if the ice melts in countries like Antarctica and Arctic, the ice would melt into water and will straightly go to the ocean and will cause sea levels to rise up which might cause to cover some of our land. Climate change also cause storms which will destroy some of our city's.
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